Blind and partially sighted people ski with a guide who will assist in the way that best meets the skier’s needs and preferences. If you’re a beginner, the guide will show you how to ski, and if you’re a seasoned skier, they will give you tips to improve your technique. So, even if you’ve never handled skis before, you shouldn’t feel afraid to give it a go.
Metro Blind Sport offers an annual skiing trip to ridder week, which is subsidised and open to any members. Metro will consider subsidy requests for members to attend various skiing events. Examples are given below, but these aren’t exhaustive.

Metro Annual Skiing trip
- Ridderweek is held in March or April in Beitostolen Norway.
- At Ridderweek there is a 5km race for women or a 10km race for men; biathlon (a 6km ski coupled with sonic rifle shooting); and the 20km Ridderrennet race. 5km race for women or a 10km race for men; biathlon (a 6km ski coupled with sonic rifle shooting); and the 20km Ridderrennet race.
- You can read Metro members’ accounts of the previous Ridderweeks by accessing the ‘articles’ link on this page.
Contact Mike: for enquiries about the skiing trip
Ski for Light
Ski for Light, Inc. is an all-volunteer, non-profit, organization founded in 1975. The mission of Ski for Light is to teach visually- and mobility-impaired adults the sport of classic cross-country skiing, to give participants who have already mastered the basics the chance to improve their skills and endurance, and to enable participants to just have fun on the snow.
Each year Ski for Light, Inc. conducts a week-long International Week that attracts upwards of 250 participants and guides. The location of the event changes from year to year in an effort to spread the Ski for Light philosophy and idea to as many parts of the country as possible.
For more information
If you have any further questions or wish to chat about joining, please email